Thursday, February 25, 2010

Long week

Started a big one -- cabernet sauvignon harvest began on Tuesday. Long day, including a brutal Tuesday -- up at 3:30, sort grapes til 11:30, deliver lots of wine until 5ish, etc. Hoping to finish up this big block tomorrow.

Played pickup ultimate on Monday after trying to kitesurf but being thwarted by the lack of wind. Luckily that meant a less windy day for frisbee. Thinking about switching gears on kitesurfing a bit. New plan is probably to work on my board skills by going to this cable pulley wakeboarding place in Strand for a couple of hours. Then maybe a trip to Langebaan, a lagoon north of here a ways. Learning in a place with waves is really tough -- a calm shallow area is pretty ideal for getting started. Think it'll be worth the extra drive and somewhat higher expense.

Also, just bought plane tickets to France/Italy/Paganello. Pretty pumped for that.

Temporary shutdown on the pictures front. I had the camera in my pocket went I went into the Bay Hotel pool on Sunday. That was dumb. Hopefully I'll get that (or a replacement) up and running shortly.

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